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Labor Cancellation Roll back

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Labor Cancellation Roll Back

To avoid complications and ensure compliance with UAE regulations, it is essential to complete immigration cancellations within the 30-day window after submitting the labor card cancellation. If the immigration cancellation is not feasible for any reason, rolling back the labor card is a necessary step to prevent your company from facing a blockage. There are no charges for this rollback process, and it is crucial for maintaining your company’s operational status.

Mandatory Immigration Cancellation Requirement

  • Immigration Cancellation Deadline

    It is crucial to complete the immigration cancellation within 30 days following the submission of the labour card cancellation. This requirement is mandatory and must be adhered to strictly.

  • Implications of Non-Compliance

    Company Blockage: If immigration cancellation is not completed within the specified 30-day period, your company will face a blockage. This blockage can prevent the company from processing new visas or making any changes to existing visa statuses.

Procedure if Employees Exit or Immigration Cancellation is Not Completed

  • Employees Exiting the UAE

    Before Immigration Cancellation: If employees leave the UAE before the immigration cancellation has been processed, or if there are other reasons preventing the completion of immigration cancellation, it becomes necessary to take corrective actions to avoid company-related issues.

  • Rolling Back the Labour Card

    Purpose: Rolling back the labour card is a required measure to prevent your company from being blocked by immigration authorities. This action is necessary to maintain compliance and ensure the smooth functioning of your company's visa and labour permit processes.
    No Associated Charges: There are no fees for rolling back the labour card. This process is provided to ensure that your company remains in good standing and is not affected by any administrative or procedural issues related to visa management.

Steps to Roll Back the Labor Card

  • Initiate the Rollback Process

    Contact the relevant department or authority responsible for labour card management to start the rollback process.

  • Provide Required Documentation

    Submit any necessary documents or information required for the rollback process. This may include copies of the cancelled labour card, the employee’s exit documents, and any other relevant paperwork.

  • Confirm Rollback Completion

    Ensure that you receive confirmation that the labour card rollback has been successfully completed and that there are no outstanding issues.

Documents required

  • Passport copy

  • Labour cancellation submission copy

  • Employer E-signature card

  • Visa copy

Benefits of Working with PRO DESKK

Expert Guidance
We offer continuous assistance throughout the visa process and beyond.
Time Efficiency
We guarantee timely processing and submission of documents.
Hassle-Free Service
We handle all interactions with government authorities on your behalf.
Transparent Pricing
No hidden costs; all charges are clearly communicated
Ongoing Support
Continuous assistance throughout the visa process and beyond.