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Student Qualification Category In Dubai

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Student Qualification Category In Dubai

The student qualification category for a Golden Visa offers a unique pathway for students and recent graduates to obtain residency in a foreign country. This category is designed to attract talented individuals who have completed their education in the host country, providing them with the opportunity to stay and contribute to the local economy. By obtaining a Golden Visa, students can benefit from an extended stay, allowing them to seek employment, further their studies, or start a business. This category often targets graduates in fields that are in high demand, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), to help meet the country’s economic and labor needs. In addition to residency, holders of a Golden Visa typically enjoy access to high-quality healthcare, educational opportunities, and a stable living environment. The student qualification category thus serves as an incentive for international students to pursue their studies abroad and continue their professional journey in the country, fostering cultural exchange and economic growth.

Subjects relating to engineering and science include:

  • epidemiology and viruses
  • artificial intelligence
  • big data
  • computer engineering
  • electronic engineering
  • software engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • genetics and biotechnology engineering.


Benefits of Student Qualification Category

  • The student qualification category for a Golden Visa offers several benefits to international students and recent graduates. Primarily, it provides a seamless transition from study to residency, allowing graduates to stay in the country and explore career opportunities without the need for additional visa applications. This category often grants access to work permits, enabling graduates to gain valuable work experience and contribute to the local economy.

  • Additionally, Golden Visa holders can enjoy the benefits of residency, such as access to high-quality healthcare, education, and a stable living environment. The visa may also facilitate easier travel within certain regions, providing greater mobility for personal and professional endeavours.

  • This category is particularly advantageous for graduates in high-demand fields, as it aligns with the country’s economic and labor needs, offering a promising pathway for long-term residency and career growth.

Visa Price

AED 12,000
  • Including Medical, EID and Visa Stamping
  • Health Insurance Not Included



Step 01

Checking Eligibility

Our consultants will assess your situation, performing initial checking to identify your eligibility.


Step 02

Applying for Your Visa

A dedicated Consultant will be assigned to you, responsible for preparing all required documents, completing forms, submitting your application, guiding you through your via process.


Step 03

Receiving the visa

Congratulations! You are now officially a holder of the UAE Golden Visa. Obtain your e-visa and acquire the Emirates ID card to access and enjoy the various benefits and opportunities that come with your new status.


Step 04

Applying for Family Members

Our Consultant will help you to apply for Golden Visas for your family members to enjoy the long-term family sponsorship.

Required Documents

  • The university is rated among the best 100 universities global according to the rating system recognized by Ministry of Education

  • The student’s cumulative GPA is not less than 3.5

  • It has not been more than 2 years since you graduated

  • Graduation certificate is accredited by the Ministry of Education